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Tuesday, February 21, 2023


 I was class of '66, thus started 1965 as senior.

We spent 9th grade at the Junior High School. We went to the old high school as Freshmen. First day of school at the new high school was my birthday. Some kids teased me about them giving me a new school as a present.

I got pulled out of class ~ Office Practice? Filing? Maybe Office Machines? I was one of the two or three advanced students that worked on booklet for the new school. I do not remember the people who came to ~ what ~ a dedication? My memory is that this happened the 2nd year the school the school was in use.

We had to type, mimeograph programs, then put the booklets together. It was a lot of fun.It may have been. One of those two years in the new school, I had two study -periods. I spent one of them volunteering in the Vice Principal's office. One of my jobs was to file absentee notes.

My brother forged a lot of them. He got caught. Another job was to go to classrooms to pull out students to see the V.P. How embarrassing to walk into my brother's classroom to pull him out to the office. Foggy. My mother let him stay home on Memorial Day program because the year before he passed out at the outdoor program. Of did she tell VP that is why he skipped that day?

What about all the others!

I also manned the switchboard next to Principal's office between classes. That would have made me late for my next class. Maybe my next class was Lunch? My other study period I spent working on those programs. 

I vaguely recall the other girl who I worked with ~ maybe it was just the two of us ~ or others did it at different times from their class? We also were given the job of mimeographing teacher's tests for them. She and I were not the kind who would cheat, taking a copy of tests for friends who had those classes to give them a headstart. 

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