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Sunday, March 26, 2023

The Black Friend ~ music

 More on music from the book: The Black Friend:

Author was surprised his white friends did not know John Coltrane. I heard of him; I may have listened to some of his songs on You Tube. (Author mentions: "yes I am that old", before YouTube was invented.) 

He is aghast that they do not know "Before I Let You Go," by Frankie Beverly and Maze. Early 2000s, a man said "yeah you know Maze," because I liked the song "Joy and Pain," Um, wrong artist, I was thinking, Rob Base and DJ EZ Rock. Fast forward a few years, I was at a MLK Jr Day celebration. Do not remember if it was the group Maze. I was amazed, however, when Frankie Beverly sang "A Change Is Gonna Come." 

One of the best renditions I have ever heard. I have been unable to find a video on YouTube of Beverly doing that tune. Musical stereotypes is not the only stereotype the author pushes about white people. One Goodread's one star review said the same thing. That person mentioned him using the name Chad due to not knowing a guy's name, but he looked like a Chad. Or she looked like an Ashley. Chad would not be the first white guy's name that comes easily to mind. Nor Ashley.

Robert, Richard, Joseph, George, James, Matthew, Michael ~ but, I guess the author does not associate those names as white peeps names, due to many blacks/browns with the same names? Ashley? How about Heather for his age group? Mary, Brenda, Rose, Susan, Elizabeth, Hazel, might be more white-sounding, but that is stereotyping also. How about Frederick? Or Fred? One of his teachers did not believe he was Frederick, not Jamal. 

Frederick sounds more English, although he was named after Frederick Douglass. It seems the name  Frederick was given him by his slave owners. Seems the author should resent the name. 

I know whites who only listen to C & W music, but they know other pop hits. Hard rock, disco, R & B, soft rock, metal, classical, opera ~ all kinds of music genres. My building is hosting two classical musicians; I checked them out to see if I want to attend. The viola player is an elderly black man. Wonder if he knows tunes by Maze, N.W.A. 98 Degrees? 

Has Joseph never heard or or seen "We Are The World" U.S.A. for Africa? Talk about diverse people in the music industry! 

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