Directly across the street is a basically empty retail building. It was where I chose my primary care doctor; easy walk across the street, even after I started using a walker. Doctor moved as did most of the other who rented space in the building.
There is a parking lot, behind that building. At the end of the parking lot is Jewel Health and Rehab. I guess it is for short of long term care. I was thinking about the people who live in the houses across the street from that building. Ambulance and fire truck arrive; flashing red lights, reflecting in their windows.
Today the ambulance (or paramedic truck) and fire truck was to JHR 3 times. I do not get up everytime I hear sirens. I should. When they stop quickly, it could mean they came to our building, or the rehab place. I think they were to our building, twice in the past two days. Taken to the hospital or coroners office?
Often I follow the flashing lights; assume there has been an accident on nearby highway. Sometimes they stop closer; a fire in one building or another. Car crashes. When I here a lot of sirens, I would expect to see something on local news. I joined Facebook local fire companie pages. So I was getting some updates. Now I ditched Facebook, so still in the dark. Or, flashing red lights/sirens unknown.
I feel for the people whose lives have suddenly been altered by these events.
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