Friday, August 31, 2012

Blue Asylum

Blue Asylum by Kathy Hepinstall is set in a time when women were considered property. Northern and Southern states were fighting a Civil War. The Confederacy felt states had the right to define personage; while the Union felt the federal government had the right to declare slaves as human beings.

Iris Dunleavy sympathized with slaves on her husband's plantation. After a doctor and judge declared her insane, on account of this disrespect and humiliation, her husband had her committed to an upscale insane asylum. A British psychiatrist ran the Sanibel Asylum situated on a remote island off the coast of Florida. Iris is determined to escape. Although the asylum is upscale, Dr. Cowell is renown due to his thesis showing positive effects of "cold water treatment".

The 270 page novel is a quick read. It kept me turning pages wondering if Iris would be subjected to the cold water treatment, would she escape, would the tale have a happy ending? Other inmates included a Civil War veteran with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, although it was not called that at that time. The story hints at the specific event that caused the trauma; another reason to keep reading. Do not want to give away much of the story; suffice it to say there are interesting side stories needing answers or how will it turn out for other characters.

One women refuses to dine unless a plate is set for her deceased husband whom only she can see. One of my sisters continued setting a place at the table for her husband after he moved on to the Great Beyond. Might say a thin line between sanity and insanity. A quote:

"The doctor opened his eyes at some hour of night when the deepest sleep occurs. Those who wake at this hour feel a lonely separation from everyone but night birds and ghost crabs, never imagining the legions of kindred souls scattered in the darkness, who stare at ceilings and pace floors and look out windows and covet and worry and mourn."

Something for me to remember on insomnia nights. I used a bit of the fictional doc's advice when distraught over neighbor's all night LOUD music. Did not work, as it did for his patient. Yet I will continue to try it ~ concentrating on everything colored blue ~ I can conjure up visualizations, if only I could get my mind back to the days when all I had to do was whisper (or think) the word Peace and body would instantly relax.

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