Monday, January 23, 2023


 I loved 1984 by George Orwell, so read it again. Did not find it all that great second time around. 


It was after the catastrophe, when they shot the president and machine-gunned the Congress and the army declared a state of emergency. They blamed it on the Islamic fanatics, at the time.

Keep calm, they said on television, everything is under control.

...It was hard to believe. The enire government, gone like that. How did they get in, how did it happen?

That was when they suspended the Consitution. They said it was only temporary. There wasn't even any rioting in the streets. 

They've been building up to this.

Newspapers were censored and some were closed down, for security reasons they said.

domestic products the Aunts*
*Aunts, I did not find any aunt's named after domestic products, like Dawn or Joy. A Goodreads person suggested they meant like, Aunt Jemima, Sara (Lee) Estee (Lauder,) Lorna (Dunne) and so on.

Friday, January 13, 2023


 Some random quotes from books that I neglected to write down the source.

I would scribble something on note paper, later post on Notepad doc, after having read three more books, then completely forgot which quote came from which book.

*your perception is a reflection of you

*not because of me or anything I did

*affirming our best values 

*label attached ~ she was tall, I was short

*operating with integrity ~ not with emotions 

*"three sisters" vegetable patch corn, beans and squash each plant has something to offer the others, corn grows tall, creates natural pole for beans to climb, beans provide nitrogen, squash low to ground large spreading leaves block weeds keeps soil moist page 45

*probably from The Light We Carry, Michelle Obama

Aphasia ~ talk with the current instead of swimming against it ~ Gabby Giffords

"most bigoted adherents to the Party the swallowers of slogans" 1984


“The true Islam has shown me that a blanket indictment of all white people is as wrong as when whites make blanket indictments against blacks.” — Malcolm X. (old quote that I copied to use on comments.)

Also found to add to comments:A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.

Unthinkable by Senator Raskin

 “You don’t ridicule people and give them obnoxious nicknames, at least after you graduate from the third grade,” Jamie Raskin

"I have learned that trauma can steal everything from you that is most precious and rip joy right out of your life. But, paradoxically, it can also make you stronger and wiser, and connect you more deeply to other people than you ever imagined, by enabling you to touch their misfortunes and integrate their losses and pain with your own."

"if a person can grow through unthinkable trauma and loss, perhaps a nation may, too."

"If you are one of millions of Americans who have suffered, in these hard days of plague, violence, and climate emergency,  a trauma and rupture like the ones we have experienced in our family, I bid your and your family deep healing and recovery for the battles ahead." Jamie Raskin

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Rule-or-Ruin Party

 March 2020, when Trump attacked Governor Whitman over her response to the novel coronavirus pandemic. On April 17, 2020, he tweeted, 'LIBERATE MICHIGAN'..."

"on April 30, his supporters marched on the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing, storming the building."

"...the Trump-inspired mob in Lansing, itself looked stunningly familiar: Confederate battle flags, MAGA hats, weapons, camo army gear..."

DJT tweet: The Governor of Michigan should give a little, and put out the fire. Theres are very good people, but they are angry. They want their lives back again, safely! See them, talk to them, make a deal".

"...May 14, Trump's mob again stormed the state capitol."

"..Thirteen men launch a civil war, kidnap Governor Whitmer, transport her to Wisconsin, and they try to execute her."

J6 DNC and RNC headquarters

"...driving crowd in Muskegon to chant, "Lock her up! Lock her up!" 

"The test run in Michigan showed that many of his followers were prepared to engage in criminal vilane on his behalf, with orchestrated attacks and deadly weapons, to neutralize his chosen political enemies."

"...the Republican Party is the party of Trump, authoritarianism, corruption and insurrection."

"The Grand Old Party has become the Rule-or-Ruin Party."


Trump is still leading his gaga MAWAs with lies, and calls for action.

He says "need to deal with the cancer" "weaponized, thugs, tyrants," "Democrats, FBI and DOJ." So what is GOP House trying to do as I type: form committee to investigate the weaponized DOJ and FBI; investigate the Biden family. Senator Raskin is correct: Rule-or-Ruin Party. 

More from Unthinkable

 More from Jamie Raskin's Book: Unthinkable

Lost Cause Myth "...falsely claimed that the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery but was a simple constitutional disagreement between the states and the federal government over the proper allocation of powers."

j6 DJT tweet: "These are the things and events that happen when a sacred election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfaired treated for so long."

"There's never been a time like this where such a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us, from me, from you, from our country.This was a fraudulent election. But we can't play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace.So go home. We love you. You're very special. You've seen what happens. You see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. I know how you feel."

"It is no coincidence that a Confederate battle flag was waved inside the Capitol on January 6..." ("new-and-improved Lost Cause myth")

"'s time to heal, let's all just move on and let bygones, be bygones." (Trump GOP loyalists)

The managers understood that "Can't we all just move on?" was the go-to mantra of abusers and bullies who got caught."

"...we pounced immediately to argue that we could not successfully heal without first confronting the reality of what had happened. 


Reminds me of my ex husband, "you're living in the past." No, I was living in the exact moment. If I brought up an incident from our past, it was to show why he should not make the same mistake again. DJT reminded me so much of my ex. And a brother-in-law who constantly told tall tales (lies, imagined heroics.) 

No way to get over his physical violence when he denied the reality and never apologized. That violence might be due to my trying to talk him out of making another mistake; if I would not simply agree to do what he wanted, he used his fists. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Jenny Lawson

 Found a Jenny Lawson quote from her book: Let's Pretend This Never Happened:

Most Bloggers are emotionally unstable and are often awkward in social situations, which is why many turned to blogging in the first place. 

Well, no. I started blogging to try to earn money with sidebar ads or selling products I created. I think Homeless in Long Beach was my first blog. Or maybe my first Blogger blog. I also had 4 websites, along with multiple blogs at other sites. I even created a blog using HTML. Self taught.

I know one of my websites still exists. All the blogs gone, except here. And these had many transformations. I enjoyed every minute of all that work. Other than selling some t-shirts, postage stamps at Zazzle, my profit was: net zero. If only someone would have hired me to work-at-home, paying me to do research, or something.

I did make some spare change writing for Associated Content. I should have made more. I stopped begging family to click on titles if they did not have time to read my articles, and ask two friends to do likewise. We earned money by page view bonuses.

I stopped submitting for pay because the site rejected my book reviews. They said they wanted product reviews. Duh, ever hear of Barnes and Noble

All those homeless help people I knew? No time to read or at least click on a title. A pastor liked my cross words cards. Never bought a one. Some college kids who took photos of me? Never read an article. Depressing. At least 40 family members who used the Internet. I thought an easy 40 pageviews. It did not cost them a penny to help me earn a few of them.

They say to dream big, but I never became what today is called "an influencer." I can write a lot, but I guess I do not write anything worth reading. 

Unthinkable. by Jamie Raskin

 I saw an article about a Senator diagnosed with lymphoma. It piqued my interest because I also have lymphoma, although not the same type as the Senator. 

I had no idea who Jamie Raskin was. LOL I should have known. I was pleasantly surprised that Kindle had his book, Unthinkable. I bookmarked pages, and jotted notes. Kindle being charged right now, so just recording some jotted notes. Need to get rid of some paper.


Plug Uglies

House Divided Speech

vigilante force of racist mob violence

KKK Act 1871

"great and dangerous offenses" 

bullies that target the press, innocent people, and Democracy itself

11/14/2020 Million MAGA March, aka: March for Trump, Stop the Steal

12/12/2020 MAGA II Rally

Trump said: "we have just begun to fight." violent attacks, burning of church by Proud Boys

Ayanna Pressley: What is more polarizing than trying to kill us?

"We were sent here by the president"

Stop reminding them that anyone who crosses Donald Trump, gets death threats.

laughable alibi 

Michael Van der Vern stole coasters after electoral college count was finally completed on J6/2021


In addition to bookmarked pages, I noted pages 353. 368, 371, 379, 381, 447 I believe I rated the book 4 stars on Goodreads. I do not find any book Amazing. Others places I would rate it 5 Stars; a great future look at history.

I did find parts of the book to be dull. Too many listings of who attended what party, kind of stuff. Enough trying to keep up with all the politicians and rioters names. Often too repetitive; almost a copy paste from Part 1, to Part 3. 

I did, however find I really like Jamie Raskin. Maybe he could run for president. Intelligent, & knowledgeable. Some of his ideas came from his son, Tommy, who unfortunately committed suicide days before J6. 

When I was a bit younger than Tommy, I never wanted to marry and have children; I thought the world was such a horrible place. I imagine Tommy felt it was even more horrible ~ not just mass shootings, but mass school shootings, and a president who lied for four years, grooming his MAWA thugs to fight over his stolen election lies.