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Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Color Blind

 My pet peeve. Frederick Joseph says he does not want us to say "we don't see color." Well, duh of course we see color, unless we are blind. We also see a person's height, weight, clothes they are wearing, age (young, old, child, teen) and usually gender. 

What we do not do is go up to someone and say, "I see you are fat, you must overeat. Tell me your story. Do you have a thyroid problem?' "When is the baby due?" 

Well, some people are that rude. If we say a person's skin color is irrelevant we are being disrespectful, because it is relevant to them. Does a person's height, weight, style of clothing have any relevance to us? 

Well yeah, those kids wearing pants showing off their arse crack remind me of some of my father's friends that did that, grossed me out then, grosses me out now. I have heard Black women tell them to "pull up your pants." I would never comment on them. Just glad my son was grown before the style became a fad. I allowed my children freedom to dress as they pleased, but that one would have caused us to butt heads.

Speaking of culture apportion whose culture started high heels. Are Persian a Black Race of a White Race? 

I think the last time I used the word was when a black man on the beach was trying to pick me up, asked "have you ever been with a black man before."  He said, "I thought so." I guess he meant he did not think I was a racist. The first time I heard someone complain about the C.B. term, I stopped saying it. 

I had a tiff with people via Facebook meme. I should have never commented. The creator of the meme's last name was Rodriguez. My constant companion friend's cousin spent a lot of time with us. Playing kids' games, dancing. Her last name was Rodriguez. Now I felt bad that I never asked her to "tell me your story." I never knew her nationality. The meme did not state "Black" just "thou shalt not say you are color blind." 

Andrea was petite, cute, very popular once we all were in the same high school. I do not know her elementary school experiences. My friend's father was light skinned Italian; her dark hair mother said she was Spanish. Joanne was nicknamed Carrot top due to her "red" hair. Lots of freckles. Later years Joanne told me her mother was Cuban; but due to prejudice and hatred of Cubans she lied. I am trying to picture her skin tone. Darker than the father's I am sure. 

I would say Andrea was brown, as in suntanned even tho' it is winter. But we were all considered white in those days of "colored people," or Negroes. 

I do not have to ask Blacks their stories. When we get together we talk about racism they experienced. But since the meme did not mention a color, it was a commenter that used the CB phrase, I gave an example of how silly it would be to sit in a seat next to stranger and say "I see you are white, tell my your story." Imagine a white person saying, "I see you are black..."

It sounded condescending to me. Telling people I see their color and asking them to tell me their story as if I am superior to them. The commenters blasted me. "Just because you have not experienced it..." Did not say I was being pig headed, but something to that effect ~ when it was them refusing to understand my point. 

A fav old expresion: here comes the tsunami wave we all be running. Tired of notes from the book The Black Friend.

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