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Wednesday, April 5, 2023


 Of course Frederick Joseph wants reparations. He considered suing Nabisco because of all the times he was called an Oreo. (He may have been joking.) Is he aware of how many times white people have been called the n word attached to lover? My daughters black friends told her she was white on the outside, black on the inside. 

It is a problem; when a white person does not hate a black person, they become outcasts among whites, and accepted among blacks/browns. 

I do not agree with reparations for the same reasons most people do not: money. The country is on brink of bankruptcy. Need to trim the budget, not add to it. Logistic nightmare. Does only Marian Robinson get money, or does she, Craig Robinson, Michelle Obama also get money. Would one of the Obama girls be eligible and not the other? Or would they each be entitled to 1/2 the standard payout? 

Is there stored slave DNA so that each requesting reparations due to sins of their ancestors can prove they qualify? How do they calculate the hours slaves worked? Calculate in yesteryear's average wage? If a freed slave got the promised "40 acres and a mule" do they still get repaid for slave labor?

I am first generation U.S. of A. citizen on my father's side, 2nd generation on my mother's. Why should people like me pay for sins we did not commit? Maybe track down all families that owned, bought/sold slaves and make their ancestors pay reparations? 

Slavery was horrible and wrong. So was Jim Crow. So is systematic racism. Will Joseph get over the wrongs done to his ancestors, it if given money? If djt does not start a civil war, giving reparations might do it. Peeps called the N Lover words would not fight with White Nationalist but could be killed by either side in such a war. 

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