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Wednesday, April 5, 2023

NPR, food, music, family

"NPR is religion for liberal white people." There goes Frederick Joseph again with his bigoted, stereotypes. 

"Food, music, and family are the essence of race and culture for many of us." He was talking about "many of us Blacks." They are the essence of most ethnic backgrounds, not limited to black folk.

Maybe that is what he meant? 

The author and I were both reading The Audacity of Hope about the same time. I never heard about Barack Obama, and could not pronounce his name. The book was in back seat of my service worker. She told me he was going to run for president. I could borrow if I wanted to read it. I loved his ideals and ideas. My daughter told me she said "he is going to be president someday, but did not expect it to happen so soon."

Sarah is white with dreadlocks. Joseph would not approve. 

"it is hard to get even well-meaning white people to see them that way." Do not know what context he wrote it in, but I disagreed. My next two notes said: "complicated" and "is why you are reading this book." (I had checked a Kindle Override library book out. A few chapters later I returned it and saw this title, checked it out. Would have been better if I returned it also!)

Several Goodread's reviewers named Joseph "arrogant" and "condescending" ~ my exact thoughts.

Karishma's story broke my heart.

So did when he and his friends ganged up on a Chinese/American girl because she would not agree to being bothered when non-Chinese people wear Chinese clothes. The group was driving to see one of the friend's college. They were singing. The Asian/American girl sang along. Including a lyric that included the N word. Driver stopped the car; When they could not get her to see it their way, driver turned around and they went home. 

I forget what he said about "the DNA of America," just some more blanket indictments of whites.

He included a quote or something about a book he was forced to read, Great Expectations. He seemed to think everyone knew Miss Havisham. I reread the novel as an adult because I remembered liking it when required reading in Jr. or Senior High. I might have to read it again, as I have zero clue as to the character. I assume "racist white lady." 

If I find anymore notes on The Black Friend not sharing. This took too long.

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